Free New Year's Resolution Templates

  • Contemporary New Year's Resolution Google Docs Template

    Our unique New Year's Resolution Template helps you set realistic, meaningful goals that you can actually achieve.

    Format: Google Docs
    Origin: Instant Download

  • Free Goal Planner Templates for New Year Resolutions in Google Docs

    Track your progress easily, our template makes goal-setting easier than ever. Make life-changing resolutions and get ready to take on the year with Sweet Year’s Goals Template.

    Format: Google Docs
    Origin: Instant Download

  • Handy Black and White Resolution Template in Google Docs

    Take control of your goals and make sure you stick to them.

    Format: Google Docs
    Origin: Instant Download

  • Minimalist New Year's Goals Google Docs Template

    This customizable template helps you create meaningful goals and objectives for an organized and successful year.

    Format: Google Docs
    Origin: Instant Download

  • New Year Goals Template Google Docs

    This easy-to-use template helps you stay on top of your goals while giving you the tools and resources needed to turn them into reality.

    Format: Google Docs
    Origin: Instant Download

Looking for some help getting organized and setting goals for the new year? Check out our free New Year's Resolution list templates! Our templates are easy to use and provide plenty of space to create a comprehensive list of goals and objectives. We also provide helpful tips and resources to help you stay on track and achieve your goals. Start the new year off right with our free New Year's Resolution list templates!

169 Resolution Template Ideas List

After you have chosen your favorite template, let's move on to filling it out. Get inspired by this list:

Ideas Ideas
Remember your goals and the big picture  Do yoga weekly 
Set a monthly budget  Create a garden 
Try something new  Ski regularly
Take more frequent breaks Snowboard regularly
Floss every day Cycle regularly
Practice intentional breathing  Go to the gym regularly 
Ditch one bad habit  Run multiple times a week 
Create a bedtime routine Listen to music without doing anything else 
Get in touch with your creative side Learn a programming language 
Make time for self-care Spend more time in nature
Embrace spontaneity  Learn to Salsa dance 
Go Skydiving  Go dancing multiple times a month 
Clean out your inbox Read one book per month  
Get rid of underutilized subscriptions Indoor rock climbing multiple times a month
Take a 24-hour break from social media every month Watch more life-changing movies 
Complete a no-spend month Go to bed earlier
Slow down while eating and savor each bite Wake up earlier 
Take time to appreciate your accomplishments Learn to meditate/meditate regularly 
Make coffee at home more often to save money Spend less time online 
Start a dream journal Spend less time on a smartphone
Clean out your closet Spend less time on social media
Work on creating a more balanced life Spend less time reading online articles
Try going Meatless on Mondays  Go on a short, distractions walk every day 
Reduce your debt Get outside of the comfort zone routinely 
Make a new friend  Take cold showers for health benefits 
Swap soda or other sugary drinks for tea Make new friends 
Try an online fitness class  Find a way to sing every day 
Learn a new language  Eat outside more often 
Do a little act of kindness weekly  Complain less often
Keep a notepad next to your bed for ideas
that comes to you at night 
Write in a journal as often as possible 
Start your morning with a stretching routine  Move more slowly and mindfully through your day  
Go through your music library Have more below-the-surface conversations 
Be more involved with local government Be more positive, regardless of the situation 
Practice the “Do-It-Now” rule  Reconnect with and/or strengthen spirituality 
Check out your local farmers/flea market Floss every day 
Record 1 second of your life every day Drink more water  
Double the time you spend outside Take the stairs whenever possible  
Wear sunscreen daily, even when it’s cloudy!  Make the bed every day  
Put a kit of essentials in your car  Make your own delicious coffee every day  
Deep clean your keyboard  Be less self-centered
Organize your photos  Care less about what others think
Put your phone away an hour before bed Be more organized at work 
Delete unused apps on your phone Be more courageous at work 
Watch a few documentaries  Stretch every day 
Start a recipe box or journal  Bike to work 
Complete one money-saving challenge Eat food more mindfully 
Send thank-you cards Drink less alcohol 
Work on lowering your daily sugar intake Make dinner easier 
Read at least one book each month  Commit to a healthier sleep routine 
Get an annual checkup  Join a club 
Put together an emergency kit Quit smoking 
Balance your checkbook (debit account) daily Learn to love vegetables
Start habit tracking Prioritize annual health screenings 


How to start editing the google docs template?

To start editing a template, make a copy of the document File - Make a copy. To edit blocks with images, double-click on them.

What is a New Year resolution and why it's important?

This is a resolution you set for yourself on January 1 to start doing something positive or quit doing something harmful. By signing this document, the person commits to continuing positive behaviors, changing an undesirable characteristic, achieving a personal objective, or otherwise bettering their life.

Why use a Template for New Year Goals Resolution?

A template makes it much easier to create a new document. Thanks to the professionally chosen style, structure, and empty fields, the user only have to make a copy and fill it out.

How to choose the best New Year's Resolution Template?

There are a few important tips for the right resolution template choice: 

  1. Choose a template software that is easy to use. Google docs do a great job with this 
  2. The template should suit you not only in sections and content but also in style. You should enjoy it every time you look at it in print or digital form.
  3. It must be printable and hang in a conspicuous place all year round